The untitled and (non) Entity series address notions of emergence and existence, highlighting connections between the micro and the macro through obscured organic forms. Utilizing automatic and reactionary drawing methods, residual watercolor, ink, and other immiscible mediums were mixed; creating a primordial sludge that was poured and manipulated directly and indirectly on paper. The adverse mediums coexist and remain on the paper. The resulting image embodies entropy while contradicting it through its very existence.
(non) Entity 2, Watercolor, India Ink, Sumi Ink, and Graphite on Watercolor Paper, 11" x 14", 2009
(non) Entity 4, Watercolor, India Ink, Sumi Ink, Ash, and Graphite on Watercolor Paper, 22" x 30", 2009
(non) Entity 5, Watercolor, India Ink, Sumi Ink, Ash, and Graphite on Watercolor Paper, 22" x 30", 2009
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